Water tank leakage is a serious problem that can be difficult to fix, especially if you don’t hire a professional water tank repair expert. Luckily, you don’t need a degree in plumbing to repair the leak; there are some easy steps you can take from your own home!
This blog post will discuss how to identify the cause of water tank leakage, what supplies and tools you’ll need, and how to get started on fixing it yourself.
Step 1. Determine the Location of The Leak
Before you get down on fixing the leaks of your water tank, you need to determine where it is first so you can find the best solution to repair it.
If your tank is located outside, you may determine a leak by looking for wetness around the tank or by feeling the ground with your hand. Also, if you notice some cracks in your water tank’s exteriors, then you may have a leak in the tank.
Step 2. Drain Out Your Tank
Once you’ve determined where the leak is, the next step you need to do is to drain out all of the water in your tank. If you don’t do this step, you’ll have a hard time applying your adhesive.
Steps To Drain Out Your Tank:
Turn off any on-site valves that are connected to your system and open up a faucet so that no more new water enters into the pipe or hose from outside sources. Next, remove any hoses attached at both ends by disconnecting them from their respective pipes (this usually requires using pliers).
Once they’re removed, go back close those same pipes with caps or plugs. Now start draining the system by opening a hose valve located below it. You’ll start to notice water coming out from the hose valve.
Keep your eye on that water and drain it until you see absolutely no more new water come out of the tank. Once you’ve drained all the remaining water, find a way to cover up or cap off any areas where there’s an opening for new water to enter.
Step 3. Choose the Right Adhesive
Depending on the type of water tank you have, you need to choose a strong adhesive that can withstand any exposure to water. For example, if you have a steel tank that’s made of copper and aluminum, then your adhesive needs to be able to withstand both acid corrosion from the copper and salt corrosion from the aluminum.
On the other hand, if you have a plastic water tank, it’s good to use a strong adhesive made of silicone.
If you’re still not sure of what kind of adhesive to use, then it’s good to talk to your local water tank specialist since they will be able to provide you with the best adhesive for your tank.
Step 4. Apply The Adhesive into The Crack
Once you’ve chosen the adhesive, mix the glue with water and stir until it becomes a uniform consistency. Now take your brush or putty knife, apply the adhesive to any location where you have leaking coming out from the tank onto an area below.
Cover up all surfaces around the leak as well by using some masking tape so that you can’t see through any holes or cracks in those areas where water is pouring out. You may also need to fill up gaps between joints on copper pipes if they are causing leaks as well (this will require more materials).
Once you’ve applied a sufficient amount of adhesive, position pieces of fiberglass cloth over the top before painting it all over with a thick layer of silicone.
Step 5. Let The Adhesive Dry
The next step is to let the adhesive dry for at least a day. You’ll then be able to test your repair by filling up the tank and checking if you still have any leaks.
If there are still leaks happening, then it’s good to double-check your work and find what you may have missed. Once you’re certain no leaks are present, you can proceed to the last step.
Step 6. Fill Up the Water Tank Again
The last step is to fill up the water tank again and then proceed to turn on any valves that are connected to your system. Finally, it would be best if you turned on any faucets to make sure that everything is currently working.
In a Nutshell
In this blog post, we have discussed the importance of knowing how to repair a water tank leakage. This is not something that you want to try and tackle on your own without any prior experience or knowledge.
Still, the best thing you can do is reach out to professional plumbers who are experienced with these types of repairs so they can identify where the leak originates from and make needed fixes for you as soon as possible.
If there were one takeaway from this article, it would be that if your home has an issue with leaking water tanks in general, contact us today! What did you learn about repairing a water tank? Let us know by leaving a comment below!